You are no doubt feeling hesitant about lockdown and coronavirus nanny care for
All our daily Live-out and Live-in nannies undertake a pediatric first aid course, which comprehensively covers hygiene procedures for the Coronavirus. Our nannies are being asked to work for one family only, and to avoid public transport to get to work wherever possible. We suggest alternatives such as walking, cycling, taxi and lifts with the employers’ own car.
Coronavirus: Can My Nanny Still Work?
The Government
We are asking nannies to work with one family and where possible, to temporarily live with you during lockdown. This reduces movement between households. Your nanny can go back to the usual arrangement once restrictions are lifted.
Activities To Do At Home During Lockdown
With restrictions in place during
Some of these
- sowing seeds from fruit and vegetables found in your fridge
- making fairy gardens
- building forts and camps
- creating indoor obstacle courses
- playing board games and puzzles
- using apps to make your videos or music
- making a nature art journal
- baking and sensory play
- making edible playdough and much more!
Although lockdown means local classes and groups are on hold, children can still see their friends via video call. Our nannies can set up ‘playdates’ with your children’s friends and keep them entertained with fun games.
Coronavirus Nanny Care and Self-Isolation
The most common symptoms of the
If you start feeling unwell or have been in contact with someone showing symptoms, you must self-isolate to stop the spread of the virus.
Official government guidance states: ‘Seek prompt medical attention if your illness or the illness in any household members is worsening. If it’s not an emergency, contact NHS 111 online. You should call NHS 111 if you have no
The government announced that statutory sick pay (SSP) will be applcaicbel from day one of symptoms, rather than day 4. You can claim 14 days SSP if you need to take time off work due to contracting coronavirus.

Taking Precautions To Avoid Catching Coronavirus
Our nannies are following all NHS and Government advice for social distancing and hygiene. Measures to help reduce the spread of the virus include:
- Regular handwashing with soap for at least 20 seconds (nannies and children)
- Avoid touching your face, nose
and mouth - Avoid touching high-touch surfaces such as lift buttons, checkout screens, door handles, handrails and ticket machines. Use your sleeve or a scarf if unavoidable
- Try not to use public transport and find alternatives to get to work
- Follow social distancing measures
- Keep your home clean by regularly spraying disinfectant on surfaces and high-touch areas such as light switches and door handles
- Self-isolat if symptoms, however mild, appear: Temperature above 37.8 degrees, new or persistent cough, cold-like symptoms, loss of taste or smell
- Stay indoors wherever possible and only leave home for essential shopping and one form of daily exercise